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Using tags in Finqu

Written by Miikka | Jun 3, 2022 4:48:07 AM

Some things can become challenging when dealing with large quantities of products. These may include managing campaigns, creating restrictions, or structuring products into different listings. Let's take a simple example: controlling the list of new offers on the e-commerce homepage. It may sound pretty simple if you only add products occasionally, but what if you bring hundreds of products every month? Or dozens a week? This simple matter suddenly becomes a very time-consuming and frustrating task to maintain manually. You may also encounter a similar problem when offering delivery methods based on the content of your customers' shopping carts - adding product exclusions to each product individually doesn't sound like a very pleasant thing to do. Among other things, Finqu has tags for solving these problems. This small detail, which can be added to the product, will follow the product all the way to the final order. The tag gives a lot of flexibility and simplifies the management of products. 

Product groups are a powerful tool in Finqu that can be used to classify products. Adding products to a group is easy and straightforward. These product group listings can also be sorted and filtered by product characteristics in the online store and management. It is also possible to define their shipping methods based on product groups. However, this raises the question: if these product groups are so effective in classifying products, why do we need tags? Haven't we settled this matter already? Let us think, for example, of the products that sell the most. These products are most likely from different product groups (such as t-shirts, shoes, or trousers), and listing such products by product group is impossible or at least very cumbersome to maintain. To resolve this issue, we may use tags that give us another way to categorize products by their characteristics in addition to product categories. Adding a single “best-seller” tag to your product allows you to create custom lists and promotions in your online store.

Finqu offers merchants a comprehensive range of campaigns and coupons to create, but for the campaign to work as a campaign, it must be possible to delimit products sensibly by the campaign. Product delineation is also possible for product groups in campaigns, but tags are often better suited to deal with the issue. They allow us to limit, for example, the products of a particular manufacturer to a discount or, perhaps, to celebrate the summer, we won’t give a discount on all the yellow products in the store. Whatever the need, tags will solve the problem easily.

Not all products are equal when it comes to their delivery. The weight of the products can vary from a few grams to tons. Calculating delivery costs at the checkout may not always be as simple as you might think. In Finqu, the question is effectively solved by the Parcel Assistant, which sorts the products in the shopping cart into the pre-defined packages. While this is a really great feature and will certainly help you optimize your shipping costs for each order, the Parcel Assistant also needs to know the shipping dimensions of each product and the dimensions of each package available. Entering these dimensions may not be suitable for everyone, and other means are needed to define the shipping methods. In Finqu, you can also specify your target country, product group, weight, and many more. Tags can also be used to limit shipping methods for certain products. They can help you narrow it down to virtually anything, even to prevent those yellow items from being shipped in the usual dull brown package, and instead ask the customer to pay more for the rainbow package.

Customer communication is also essential to e-commerce operations, and message targeting is necessary. Finqu has a truly comprehensive set of tools for creating and editing messages. Editing templates is possible even at the source code level, and they can use advanced libraries to make the messages look the same on every device, but they remain easy to make. Tags As you go along with your order information and with your customers and combined with comprehensive editing tools, you create targeted messages in a twist of your hand.

You can do a lot with tags. They are a powerful tool and make it much easier to manage content. Try them today!

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